Day 1 : Life Is More Fun When We Go With The Flow
I wasn’t prepared to visit a hot spring right on my first day in school. Actually, I wasn’t prepared for anything. While the other interns dived straight into the warm whirlpool and splashed about in the river stream, I could only watch on in envy as my mind went into overdrive—dissecting the pros and cons of a) getting my compression stocking wet (it’ll be so terrible), b) getting my clothes wet (it’ll be so terrible), c) getting my feet cut by sharp rocks (it’ll be so terrible), d) slipping and falling (it’ll be so terrible), e) getting bitten by leeches (it’ll be so terrible), f) drowning in a foreign land (it’ll be so terrible), etc.
Of course, nothing terrible happened at all. By allowing my mind to be seized by fears and worries of the unknown, I’d forgotten to embrace the beauty of just being in that moment and ended up missing out on life’s spontaneity.
As if to prove me a point, a sudden downpour came and ensured we all got drenched to the bones anyway. The giggles on the memorable bike ride home though. Indeed, life is more fun when we just go with the flow!