Day 12 : Just Be And Let Magic Happen
I attended my first Kirtan session today. Initially shy and hesitant as any newcomer to the circle would be, I tried to be as obscure as I could. I wasn’t dressed for the occasion like those ladies in flowy halterneck dresses and I didn’t know any of the mantras. I figured I will just follow the crowd and try not to embarrass myself then.
The performers started to sing, repeating the mantras in melodious tunes, and everyone started to sing along. I couldn’t catch the mantras but surprised myself by screaming aloud from my lungs anyway... there were more than a few tone-deaf folks out there… some ladies were gyrating too fanatically… and still we kept singing until IT happened—our voices started to merge into One Voice. Suddenly, the auditorium was transformed into a euphoric blur of passion and joy as people swayed and danced to the percussion music, completely oblivious to time and space. No inhibition, no self—just ONE with the cosmos.
What. An. Experience.
We all have that innate ability to express life through our passion and creativity. Stop caring if you sing like a toad, dance like a lunatic, or dress like a fairy or not—magic truly happens when we just let ourselves be. Try it!