Day 13 : Stay Grounded Or Life Will Make You
I have always had the strong desire to ride scooters overseas, since I wouldn’t have the chance to do so in Singapore. So, when I finally had the chance to do so on my last night in Ubud, I was delirious with excitement. I was given a crash course on the anatomy of a scooter and the basics of operating it. Seems easy, I thought. I could do this surely.
Well, except that everything that could go wrong went wrong. I revved up the engine too much, the scooter accelerated too fast, my body got sucked by the momentum, I panicked and pulled the throttle even more, I lost my balance, I panicked again and pulled the front brake. Before I could even register what happened, I saw the ground rushing up to greet me.
All within five seconds. Good job.
I left the clinic relatively unscathed, with just some bruises and abrasions. I was thankful it wasn’t anything more serious and I could live to ponder about the lessons the accident taught me.
1. Shit can happen even to the best laid plans—more so ill-conceived ones!
2. Practice is everything.
3. Complacency gets you nowhere (except to the floor!).
4. So too fear and panic.
5. In the face of adversity, better to stay calm and just breathe (for one it really helps with nose bleeds!).
6. Stay grounded or life will make you.
Finally, always be grateful as things could always turn out worse!