Day 16 : Honor Your Inner Voice
As with most human relationships, there are bound to be conflicts and differences in opinions. More so in a place where East meets West, where everyone had their own perceptions and expectations due to our different cultures, experiences and personalities. And so it happened that something triggered a situation that in turn triggered the rawest emotions in me.
In usual circumstances, I would have taken the easy way out to go with the crowd and kept my silence, yet somehow this time round something in me felt different. This inner voice telling me that I needed to learn to make my stand and not always be fearful of upsetting people with what I had to say. For years I had learnt to keep quiet in situations just for harmony’s sake. For years I had learnt to keep this inner voice quiet because of the fear of how people would see me otherwise. For years I had learnt to be a ‘cooperative’ human being by not rocking the boat. Except that I now learnt—by stifling my inner voice, I wasn’t living my truth. I wasn’t honoring myself and I wasn’t happy whenever I do that. Sure, I could pretend that nothing had happened, and I could continue to smile and go on my day, but it will surely come back one day in another situation, another form. And then what?
The popcorn in my throat popped. I shared about how the episode had affected me and made me feel cornered while I acknowledged the lesson I had to learn from this, and when the words flowed out, boy was it a relief! I cried, but at the same time I felt light, liberated and joyful.
We ended the Morning Circle with a big, warm hug, grateful to have the chance to learn from each experience. When we speak the truth with love and kindness, the light that shines through shines on others as well.