Day 19 : Believe And There Will Be
Today was a day of spiritual pilgrimage.
We made the long-haul trip to the famous Genah Melukat Sebatu water temple where we would go through a water purification ceremony. The local people believe that in asking for purification, we are ready to release what is no longer needed or good for us, and there have been reported cases whereby the water turned murky after a person is ‘purified’. I half wished that the water would turn murky on me and half wished it wouldn’t, for obvious reasons. As it turned out, I was too engrossed in focusing my intent and trying not to suffocate underneath the pelting waterfall that I didn’t even notice the color of the water. Still, I felt light and refreshed after that. I must have been purified. I believe, therefore I am.
Next stop, the ashram. I finally met the jolly old guru and managed to seek his counsel on my Lymphedema. “The Western doctors always say there is no cure. But we have to believe. We can heal. Do yoga. Stretch. Open up (he gestured at the pelvic area). It will help with circulation. It will hurt at first, but it will get better. Try it.” And with a playful wink of his eye, it signaled the end of our Q&A.
Same day, same thoughts.
What we believe, we will manifest.