Day 21 : Be Cool, Be Like Tarzan
Tarzan is the unsung hero of the school. While you may not always see him under the spotlight, he’s a key member of the team, a vital cog in the machinery. No stunts are too difficult for him, no chores too tedious. No mountains too high, no coconut trees too tall. He just does his work quietly and happily in the background and smiles a lot.
This morning we went to forage for food in the food forest and Tarzan gamely agreed to take Vanessa and me on his bike. To pillion someone is tough, to pillion two is tougher, but to pillion two along the narrow rice field tracks is the stuff of legends! None of us dared to shift (or breathe) too much lest we got thrown off-balance, but Tarzan being Tarzan just shrugged and laughed it off. We were tasked to harvest 10 lemons for the cooking class later but try as we could, we only managed to get one (umm, there were just too many ants on the trees). Once again, Tarzan to the rescue as he effortlessly harvested 9 more lemons in mere minutes to compete our haul. Oh, and he conveniently picked up a freshly dropped durian and hacked it open for us like, from nowhere. He completed his Super Tarzan image in my mind when he pillion us back to school—this time with the little dog Kunyit hopping on for the ride too!
We may not all be superstars, but we can certainly embrace life with positivity and a can-do attitude like Tarzan. Yes, the world needs more Tarzans!