Day 5 : Silence Speaks, So Listen
It was a designated Silence Day in school and since nobody would speak to me, I spent most of the day just chilling and soaking in nature and its sounds. Of birds chirping, wind blowing, tractors buzzing, dogs barking, roosters crowing, villagers laughing. Even the twirling clouds, in their everchanging formations, felt like they were enjoying today.
I took the chance to practice calligraphy, draw and journal. It was therapeutic and beautiful trying to express the essence of each day. I am not an artist, but as I started to listen in to myself more and more, every stroke started to come alive. I was a child again. Who cares if I drew well or not? I didn’t have to make myself seen or heard. I didn’t have to make small talk or explain what I was doing. I didn’t have to worry if people appreciate my drawings or not. I just did what I felt like doing and enjoyed every moment in my own quiet solitude.
In that moment, I was perfectly at ease with myself and I knew that everything was in perfect rhythm. It was peaceful, comforting and liberating.
Silence always speaks to us. Thing is, are we ready to listen?