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I love picking up soul cards. For some reasons, they never fail to provide me with insights and encouragement the way I needed to hear them, when I needed them. Always apt, and almost always timely. Which was why, when the idea suddenly surfaced in my mind to do this for my community whilst doing my self-Reiki, I got so excited! I am not a tarot reader, nor a psychic, but I know from many previous experiences that one can always do with a lift or a pat on the back in life, a word of encouragement, a nudge to go in a direction, a reminder of what we had forgotten.
As with all things in life, take all you need with a moderate pinch of salt and weight. The cards only serve as a guide as we navigate through the month of November. Only you know what each card means to you and remember there is never a right or wrong answer - just what resonates at this moment.
The beautiful cards and detailed excerpts used here are from Soul's Journey by James Van Praagh.
I pray for all my loved ones, and you in reading, to stay safe, joyful and healthy.
Have fun, and comment below which card you picked and if it resonates! :)
1. Pick a card that speaks to your soul.
It helps to quieten your mind as you make your connection with the cards.

2. Card summary
When you are ready with a card selection (Cards 1 - 5), scroll down to read more details for each.

"I release any beliefs that no longer assist in my soul's growth"
The energy of fear has many guises to complicate your path to loving yourself. Guilt is the most devious, because it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is a self-imposed emotion that pretends to be instructive and enlightening.
Guilt can help us grow when we realize that our actions have been hurtful to others and that we need to make amends. After we do so, though, it's time to learn from the behavior and move on. The problem arises when we hold on to a guilty feeling that serves no purpose other than promoting self-destructiveness and low self-esteem.
No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Guilt is not always rational, but if you examine it subjectively, act on it, and release it, it becomes a temporary emotion. Long-held guilty feelings are never good and will create a roadblock to self-love and happiness. You must continually scan your current emotions for any guilty feelings and bring them to the surface for analysis. Healthy guilt is a warning that action should be taken; irrational guilt needs to be released.

"I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it"
Nothing is gone forever. The belief that we have "lost' someone or something is merely an illusion to assist us in learning to appreciate our having had it in the first place. The emotion of grief and the sense of loss are absolutely real - but that is the point. The lesson of loss is not about the actual physical separation, because the parting is temporary and illusory. The point of the lesson is to acknowledge that the bonds of love never end and that we have not been abandoned.
When you accept in our heart that you will be reunited with everything you have ever loved, it will give you the ability to move beyond your grief and derive something beneficial from the experience. To wallow in grief is to pass up the opportunity that you and your soul family have devised and learn nothing from it. Instead, allow your grief to take you to a place of deeper understanding.

"I will honor the physical vessel that enshrines my soul"
Your body is your temple, and you are responsible for its care. You have chosen to incarnate in this physical dimension to learn certain lessons, and if you don't maintain the physical vehicle that your soul has chosen, then you are sabotaging your own plan. Your health is a vital element for your soul's progress, and you should never take it for granted. Be sensible about nourishment and exercise. You could be a "sensitive" being who must be conscious of your surroundings because you can easily be drained by people, places, or things. Always make a ritual of protection and cleansing before you work with a client, or just bring your mind back to your heart throughout the day to rejuvenate.
This card may also signify a desire to assist other beings through physical or emotional healing work. You may be involved professionally in the medical fields, bodywork, or psychiatry and counseling - or maybe you're just a good listener who possesses sage advice. If you or someone you know inherited a congenital dis-ease, past-life work may be of some benefit.

"I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to"
As a soul, you are on a mission in this physical dimension. You are the only one who knows the correct path to take. Your intuition - your connection to Spirit - is your compass. You have the power to stay the course, and you are stronger and more determined than you might first think. In order to experience many successes in life, you must mature and realize the strength within yourself and the quality of inner courage.
Life doesn't just happen - we must make it happen. It is natural for us in this human school to shy away from what we believe to be difficult, because we concern ourselves with how others will perceive us. We are afraid of failure, ridicule, or coming up short.
Now is the time to make the proper changes and take risks and do things you never thought you could before. Your soul must learn to become aware of its "inner strength". Live the joyfulness your soul yearns for and engage in activities you have always wanted to try but were afraid you'd fail at. Your soul would not yearn for something that you couldn't accomplish. You have the strength and fortitude to be capable of greatness.

"I accept responsibility for my well-being"
It is so easy to give away the power to transform your life. Certainly, there have been people along your path who have shaped you into who you are today, but you are solely responsible for your own happiness. The ego can be a very fragile thing, and if it comes under fire, the first instinct is to blame an outside force. Victim consciousness weakens the connection that you have to your soul source. This mind-set says : I don't have the power inside myself to break free, because someone else's power is stronger.
This is an illusion. When you believe that someone else is responsible for your problems, that belief is the problem. Personal responsibility can empower you to change your reality. Lasting transformation always begins on the inside and works its way out. There is a difference between a reason and an excuse. A reason is valid and unavoidable; an excuse is an attempt to shift the blame.
